
Vue.js Quickstart Tutorial by @code_wonders
Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interf...

Architecting Large-scale Javascript Applications
In the past we have worked with large javascript applications and frameworks and it...

A Chat App With Vuejs & NodeJs
As part of my learning I decided to make some application and found interesti...

Best websites a programmer should visit in 2018 @code_wonders
Some useful websites for programmers.

What are these things called generator functions* ?
In this lessons, we are going to explore one really great new ishhhh that was introduced int...

Let’s Create a Blog with React & Node @code_wonders

Minimalism in Programming
I’m 32, and I’ve been programming actively for over 16 years at this...

Accessible Icon Buttons
Freelance Front-End Web UI/UX Developer - Lebanon

Reducing Motion to Improve Accessibility
Hey friends! In this post, I am going to walk you through a newer medi...

Smoother & sharper shadows with layered box-shadows

Don’t be a Junior Developer: The Roadmap

Go Beyond: A Story of Failure
Today, I want to share my story in hopes that it might inspire others to achieve their dream jo...

A Modern CSS Reset
I think about and enjoy very boring CSS stuf...

Usability & Web Accessibility



Tech Lead